• This non-linear decryption narrative game is inspired by a woman's narration on a Korean forum. She posted the story of "her husband taking his lover home to live together" online and sought the opinions and help of netizens. However, enthusiastic netizens gradually saw the clues through her various descriptions of her husband and lover...
  • The entire plot of the game is adapted from the story prototype of this forum, Players can decrypt and advance the plot through character dialogues and interactive items in the scene, thus obtaining different story endings......

  • Players can drive the plot and lead to different endings by exploring rooms, character dialogues, and solving puzzles. They can click on various interactive items at home to collect clues. Clues may include items such as diaries, family photos, and cardboard boxes. Behind these clues, there are different narrative storylines, and there are multiple options to control the plot development of the clues, allowing players to gradually understand the behaviours of "sister" in daily life and make logical reasoning.

(The art section in the game is modified and adjusted from online materials to a unified art style)